Sunday, 18 December 2016

How can you make Hard Earned Easy Money through Trading Futures

Futures trading denote that the stocks are to be traded in the near future in a certain amount that has been decided earlier. A futures contract or futures trading is an agreement to buy or sell an asset at a future date at an agreed-upon price. These are standardized agreements that typically trade on an exchange. The agreement depends on buying the securities or commodities on a given date and time.

How will futures trading fare in the future?
Futures are regarded as the stocks that have the potential to fetch a high selling and reselling value. In general hedges and hedge funds use futures for protection against adverse future price movements in the underlying cash commodity.    Hedgers are the business houses or the individuals who deal in the underlying cash commodity. The trading depends on the trader’s judgment as he can make a faster judgment on future prices as these prices tend to change up fast as compared to real estate stock prices.

Futures being highly leveraged financial instruments for investments. The margin is a security that the investor has to keep with the exchange in case the market moves opposite to the position that has been taken and the losses that have been incurred. This may be more than the margin amount, in which case the investor has to pay more to bring the margin to the maintenance level.

Due to the markets being liquid the contracts are traded in huge numbers. The presence of buyers and sellers in the future markets ensures market orders can be placed. The near maturity contracts do not fluctuate easily and hence the contracts are the best buy option.
Commission costs on future trades are very low and are charged when the position is closed. The total brokerage is around 0.5%of the contract value. However, it depends on the level of the service provided by the broker.

Make faster money because the amount that the speculators speculate can earn you enough and quick money the trading is done with 10 times the exposure than the normal stocks.

Futures are great for diversification or hedging: These are very important vehicles for hedging or managing different kinds of risk. Companies engaged in foreign trade use futures to manage foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk by locking in an interest rate in anticipation of a drop in rates if they have a sizeable investment to make.

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