Emini trade is the most popular way
to day futures trading online. The reasons for this include the relatively low
cost to start and the legendary success that some traders have achieved trading
E-mini futures.
Advantages of E-mini Futures:
- Technical analysis principles applied for stock and forex trading are applied in emini trading also.
- The next advantage of e-mini futures trading is the low cost to get stated. It is true that to make a living from day trading, you need to have more than the minimum capital, but having said that, ES contract each time can make you a margin of a few hundred dollars. The minimum capital is $3,500 to $5,000 depending on your broker.
- A remarking advantage is short time horizon of minutes to a couple of hours in which the trade is entered and exited. This leads to the removal of the uncertainty of the holding position that’s success is based on trader's correct reading of the technical and fundamentals.
- For those who do not have large resources to commit to trading a stock or ETF in the market the financial leverage resulting from trading e-mini contracts is a great favor. That means with just a few dollars, the trader gets to control a large tranche of futures contracts.
- Rather being confined to only the S&P500, it includes a diverse set of mini contracts covering other markets such as commodities and foreign exchange that can be traded in similar fashion.
Steps one needs to take to get started on a successful day-trading path
The absolutely essential first step
is to get the knowledge you need. This is not a market one can thoughtlessly
experiment in with real money without getting burned. The basics are clear but
to apply successfully it needs experience. Experience translates to a great
deal of paper trading using a predetermined trading strategy which is practiced
until the trader proves that the system works to provide more profit trades
than loss trades. The chosen strategy’s rules should be possible to follow
without any major loss. This removes the main failure-generating factor -
emotions of greed and fear.
- Open an account at the best futures trading platform you can afford. The most popular with both professionals and others is Freetrainingrussell. Consistent practice is the only way that your trading can become mechanical, without emotion.
- Choose which emini trade type (forex, S&P500, commodity etc) you want to be an expert in and then get to know it as well as you know how to clean your teeth.
- Start trading.